Todas as segundas-feiras – 19:00h – Intercessão.

Quintas 20h culto on-line

Domingos 18h culto presencial e on-line:

FB: Igreja Aguas Mooca

Youtube: aguasmoocatv


Células nas casas - confira a mais próxima de você.

. 2ª feira......... 19h Culto de Intercessão
20h15.. Escolas Líderes e Teológica
. 5ª feira ........ 20h.... Culto

. 6ª feira ....... 20h ... Rd da Família (confira agenda)
. 6ª feira ....... 20h ... Rd adolescentes(confira agenda)
. Sábados...... 19h30.. Rd de Jovens (confira agenda)
. Domingos... 16h45... Pós Encontro e Esc. de Líderes
. Domingos... 10h e 18h..... Culto de Celebração

sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011

Igreja no Paquistão - intercessão

Mensagem retransmitida do Ap. HOrácio Luz nomeada "Emergência Apostólica".

Dear brother and Sisters

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Shortly I want to inform you that the Situation in Pakistan is very bad in theses days. The incident of the Pastor Terry johns had made big problems for the Christian believers in Pakistan. We had been condemned his act against Quran and had been praying last night in all Pakistani Churches.

Last evening as the people were gather in the church in Hyderabad, some extremist they came with the Guns and shot the believers in the Church of Hyderabad. Two had died and more then six had been injured. It is urgent request to you all that please remembers the believers’ families those had lost their loved one and also pray for protection and safety for all churches and believers in Pakistan.

Please remember us in your prayers as we are serving the Lord in Pakistan.

God bless you.

Pastor Tariq

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